Riga Plaza is one of the latest additions to the variety of Riga’s fashion and entertainment centers. It does offer some good functionality a shopping mall with entertainment and good food options and is trying to position itself as a fashion and entertainment center of Riga. However its distance from the town centre (even if it is only 5 minutes by car across the bridge) limits it in accommodating more guests.
Riga Plaza has some well-known worldwide and across the Northern Europe fashion brands like: Apranga, Bershka, Chicco, Colin, Colosseum, Cubus, Denmark, Ecco Kids, Euroskor, Grenardi, Guess, Jaguar, Lindex, Lauma, Mango, Mexx, Moskito, Themes, Nike, Peek & Cloppenburg, RTD, Pull and Bear, Roots, Salamander, Samsonite, Seppälä, s `Oliver, Zara, ZB Shoes.
It als also has a cinema called “Multi Kino” (www.multikino.lv) that is quite convenient for all who lives in Pardaugava, so they can avoid a hastle of getting to the more central Forum Cinemas, that could be found on the 2nd floor of the shopping center. However we were not that much impressed by the quality of its sound and screens, but the good price tag (a lot cheaper than in the Forum Cinemas) could attract its fans.
Inside, you’ll find a long shopping street located on two floors, facilitating the visitors across a wide range of shops. It also has an impressive parking space at the for more than 1,500 cars either on the ground or on the top floor of the mall..
This mall was born as a result of the collaboration between Plaza Centers NV (www.plazacenters.com) and New Century Holding (www.domuss.lv). The two companies have gained experience in implementing massive projects in Latvia as well as other Central and Eastern European countries. They have already opened a number of Plaza Centers in Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Israel, Greece and India. So Riga is one of the latest additions to their portfolio.
Entertainment center is managed by the EMCM Group (Euro Mall Centre Management www.emcm.eu) SIA Baltic EMCM. EMCM is one of the leading commercial property managers in Central and Eastern Europe with offices in Prague, Warsaw, Bratislava and Riga.
Book shops
“Zvaigzne ABC”, “Atena”:
Mūkusalas iela 71
Pardaugava, Rīga, LV-1004
Working Hours
Weekdays and Saturdays: 10.00 — 21.00,
Sundays: 10.00 — 20.00
Phone: (+371) 67633733
E-Mail: info@rigaplaza.lv
Website: www.rigaplaza.lv
Gettting There
From the Centre (Esplanade Stop)
* Bus nr. 10 to the Mūkusalas roundabout stop,
* Bus nr. 23, 26 to the Bieķensalas iela bus stop,
* Trolleybus (Streetcar) nr. 27 to the Bieķensalas iela stop,
* Trolleybus (Streetcar) nr. 19, 24 to the Mūkusalas roundabout stop